IMAGELESS #1 Artist: Luca Maria Baldini Director: Alessandro Sambini Label: Blooms recordings Ed.: PMS Studio
The video, completely made from stock footage, tells of a person who gets lost in a temporal limbo placed just after the beginning of the 2020 pandemic. Short of new images, difficult to produce given the contingencies, and in search of a new personal destination, he decides to make his way through the linguistic remnants of the historical period just ended. A series of words catch his attention and he decides to try to give them back form and order. The choice to use only stock footage starts both from the difficulty of producing new images and from the fact that there are already enough images in the world. It is therefore possible, from an ecological-visual point of view, to think of creating new narratives starting from the material already produced. The terminology explored in the video belongs to a series of economic activities, and not only, that have dominated the existence of man in recent years. Being able to retract them, finding oneself in the condition of questioning these terms, leads the character to doubt himself and the liturgy in which he had taken part until recently. The words are abandoned on transparent plexiglass and remain suspended and intangible. The questions they raise, however, are crucial: what are we abandoning? What will replace those words? With what tools will we face the near future?